Catching the Next Wave

S9.E3. Phillip Collins. Work With What Is.

Episode Summary

Leadership is like joga. You are never fully trained, there is always more to learn. So you go and exercise it every day. We unpack this daily exercise with our guest Phillip Collins, a Global Leadership Coach, heading a team of internationally based coaches and facilitators at Action and Theory. We discuss how to embrace risk, minimise waste and create with what is - the three elements Phil applies both to his professional work and his cooking. And we dig into the need for conscious reflection as a way to progress with your path towards leadership.

Episode Notes

Leadership is like yoga. You are never fully trained, there is always more to learn. So you go and exercise it every day. We unpack this daily exercise with our guest Phillip Collins, a Global Leadership Coach,  heading a team of internationally based coaches and facilitators at Action and Theory. We discuss how to embrace risk, minimize waste and create with what is - the three elements Phil applies both to his professional work and his cooking. And we dig into the need for conscious reflection as a way to progress with your path towards leadership.


The inner game of tennis” by W Timothy Gallwey

The EQ Leader” by Dr Stephen Stein

The four disciplines of execution” by Sean Covey

Against Empathy” by Paul Bloom

The Imposter Phenomenon” by P R Clance